As children, we live the dream of others, all expectations fall on to us, seeming the ones that will be different and most likely successful. Family, mostly our parents, elaborate our identities since we are toddlers. From dolls, cars, surgery games, cooking utensils for children, soccer, ballet, learning languages...etc, it is an infinite list of the efforts to show us the different opportunities life offers in another stage.
I graduated last friday, yet it feels like it is just another winter break and everything will be back on January, guess what is absolutely not gonna come back.
After some heartbreaking news after prom and a week of mourning that no one could have predicted, there is the leftover feeling added that makes the whole situation even worse. I wondered, what am I good for? My career isn't an exact job application, since having gathered all this international knowledge doesn't really helps you target an exact job. To me, there is a wide range of choices but, in the end no desire to pursue any as of now.
So, what happens now? We had a great party, danced all night and sang a lot. Now everyone expects us to get a job and take part of the adult world of productivity, seems there is no other choice. Some have already started the race to get an offer and send an application, some others are already working and then there's me:
Ok! Not as desperate, but it sums up some of the scary thoughts that tend to pop up all of a sudden once you realize there is no other semester, you are done and now there is no one to tell you what the next step is. As I have said before, this is a journey of discovery and oh boy! A week of vacations and I'm already feeling it, it is a heavy duty the one to find a productive thing to do once you're time is no longer dictated by a schedule made by others.
To be honest, getting a job is not my priority. Actually, enjoying life is the one and only objective from now on, obviously in the healthy frame, we do not want to get all messed up in the health department. My next step? Gym everyday baby! After Christmas sadly, because of our commitment to visit grandma (where there is definitely no gym), but hey, once the celebration is over, this girl is practically going to experience dedication.
Ideal Goals:
- Reach a healthier body shape
- Read all wanted books I already own
- Have breakfast everyday
- Clear my skin as it was before indulging without any measure in sweets and junk food
- Mantain a clean and organized bedroom
If I manage to keep up, this will obviously have an effect in my life, besides preparing a better physical and mental state for me to embark in the job hunting issue, that will be postponed until further notice~ So, what's happening after prom? ME....full dedication towards my body and mind only, in hopes of a better self that can handle this chaotic world in a better way.
Until another time
- Mexican Cherry -