by - 1:12 AM

Midnight is usually the time to work and feel, depending of course of diverse factors such as emotional state, loads of work I need to get done before leaving the house in the morning, the need to catch up on a serie I've watched 8 times already but want to experience once more...etc. 

Tonight I'm up watching academic videos and gathering information while craving CHEESECAKE with all my heart! I can imagine the feeling of the first bite melting inside my mouth, how the taste floods hundred of hungry taste buds making them reach a foodgasm altogether! 

 My desire of cheesecake lies on the multiple times I've watched the episode of friends in which Rachel and Chandler steal a cheesecake from a neighbor and it turns out to be the best cheesecake ever and even if I haven't tasted it, the simple look of it makes me wanna go all the way to Mama's Little Bakery in order to get me a piece of it! Creamy, soft, perfect crust, ugh! Just the perfect cheesecake! 

By the way, now that were speaking of desire and cravings...I must confess there was a time my friends and I carried a spoon we bought together at Walmart one day we wanted ice cream but did not have other than disposable spoons, and Cherry refused to eat ice cream with those plastic spoons, don't get me wrong, it is not like I was too fancy for that at all, but if I'm gonna indulge in a litter of ice cream, I'm gonna do it the right way ~ So we all got a spoon (perfect measurements to reach the bottom of the ice cream container) and carried it for future occassions, just in case we had to eat something out of nowhere~   Just like Joey taking out the fork to eat the fallen cheesecake off the floor. 

If you really, really want the friends cheescake.... 

You can make one thanks to Hungry Forever, with the FRIENDS CHEESECAKE RECIPE !!

They took care of it and worked on a recipe that could resemble the lovely & magical Mama's Little Bakery cheesecake that we all wanted melting in our mouths when we watched the episode, so go get your bakery elements and make one of your own, be the Mama to your bakery right away! Will definitely try to achieve the friends cheesecake with this recipe very soon. 

So if you're like me, a Friends fan and cheesecake lover, satisfy your cravings and embrace the magic of the creamy most delicious cheesecake ever, indulge in the pleasure of it, share the love with everyone you know and share of course a piece of it with your Friends ~


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