How to get a tiny Waist... Review and Results!

by - 4:55 PM

Hello & Welcome to the Mexican Cherry blog!

Today I'll be sharing with you a part of my weighloss journey in which a lot has happened and there's been plenty learning also. This particular post is a "review" of a workout video and the results of it, so let's begin! 

A month ago while browsing Youtube I noticed one of the channels I follow posted a video named:

"How To Get A Tiny Waist FAST | STANDING Abs Workout to Lose Belly Fat & Get A Smaller Waist"

It obviously caugh my attention, I mean it is a very tempting title, you lose belly fat! the stubborn belly fat that wants to stay with us no matter what and a smaller waist that us females tend to like and want to have ourselves; so naturally I decided to start a challenge for myself and do this everyday for a month with no rest! 

While reading through the comments you can find a lot of them saying there will be an update to tell if the workout actually works and how was it, so I commented and at the time I had not planned to write in here about it, but once I got serious with the workout video I wanted to tell a lot more than a few words or a sentence about how it went for me doing this for a month straight. I feel you can get a wider review than just putting up a comment on Youtube (which also helps and I will post it in a minute btw). 

Ok so the video instructions are:

  • Standing oblique twist - 2 sets/ 25 reps 
  • Dumbell oblique twist - 3 sets/ each 20 reps 
  • Standing Crunch - 3 sets / 20 reps
  • Knee Chops- 3 sets/ each 15 reps 

 Adding to this you're supposed to do 10 minutes of cardio, I chose the treadmill. Let me tell you this workout was the best for bingeing series, because you can stand in front of the screen and do it while watching with no problem, it is also perfect for the 10 extra minutes of your day that translate in contemplating space and not knowing what to do.

It would take me about 10 to 15 minutes to complete the workout so it would be less than 30 for the entire one + cardio session. All you need is water to hydrate, weights (I used bottles of water of 1L each), workout gear and a measuring tape if you want to track progress with numbers ;)

My initial measurements were:

-  Waist: 89 cm
- Belly: 95cm

And the result after one month was:

- Waist: 84
- Belly: 90

= Final Thoughts =

I really loved doing this workout, of course there were some days it was a struggle to do something other than laying down, but it gave me a workout goal at least, and it was wasy to complete which was even better.

About the cm lost...Yaaaaay!!! It was cool to know my effort paid off! Buuut there is a huuuge but in this experiment. Turns out the week after I decided to start this challenge, a health program I signed in like months ago actually started and it includes a nutrition program and 3 sessions of workout per week, so the results of this workout might not be the same for everyone, especially if you decide to mantain your current diet and activity.

Finally, it gave me really sore obliques! And my whole abs region would be in pain, but actually worth it to feel they were activating and having some progress. I would love to try another video of the channel above or combine between different ones and see what they bring to my starting fitness life!

Hope it actually gave more info about this workout video, if not, please leave me a comment so I can go further in some aspects, like explaining the diet I followed throughout the month or even to try new videos and share the experience with you again~


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