Why did I decided to blog?

by - 12:28 PM

Hello! if you're new to my blog, take a look around, it might not be much (yet), but it certainly opens the gates to a new journey I "the mexican cherry" am embracing. 

Through my life, lots of people have told me to write more, that they like it or that it would be good to explore new fields of it. I study a really serious carreer so, writing has to be just like that: serious. 
Although I definitely love to write about what I study, and oh! I forgot to actually mention that I am currently studying International Affairs, plus an online Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA), it gets hard to study both at the same time, but it is so worth it. Ok, got lost a bit! I surely will write another entry focusing solely on university matters.

To continue, writing has always been part of me, since little I wrote multiple stories and published a few through contests and opportunities that came thanks to the school I studied  in, which takes me back to a moment a teacher told me he could see the next Nobel Prize of Literature in me.
I might be a little discouraged, because I'm obviously not pursuing that exact title, but also terribly inspired to make writing an even bigger part of me.

So this is just the background of why I write, now let's move on to the blog issue. 

If you browse the internet and have accounts on tumblr, youtube and instagram, you might have already encountered some people that publish by a lifestyle tag. But if you look overall, it is probable too polished all the time, which is super inspiring to put your S**t together, but also quite discouraging when you're scrolling down on an instagram account of a girl who's content is amazing and shows multiple trips, parts of the world and of course, luxury EVERYWHERE!  

This scenario might be how a lot of people actually live, but I looked around and noticed that most of us really don't live like that. It inspired me to write about life without that, and don't get me wrong, it is not bad in any way, just different! I wanted to read a blog that had the average girl, the normal life and difficulties that everyone goes through. I know most of the bloggers cannot write about personal stuff too much because it might cause trouble or go out of the already stablished blog content and most of all, some actually say it is risky to write like that and about that. 

I decided to show the internet a different side of the lifestyle story, to actually share personal stuff that imply relationships, school, crisis and even sex. To write about literally every single aspect that life has, no matter what and no matter how. My life motto or at least what I follow in my everyday life with my friends is: 

"If we don't discuss these topics with each other and learn about it real close, then how are we gonna know?"

That above is why I share with my friends most of my experiences, because sharing is caring. Yes it is! And the real stuff might be hard to swallow -no pun intended-, this is the reason I want to share with you guys all of it, and also why you're going to find entries that could sound a tad dramatic from time to time. 

  • Ok so after we talked about the theme and writing background, let me tell you: WHY A BLOG? 


- It is currently free to share it all, while I stablish content and explore the world of blogging. 
- To explore Creative writing: Carrie Bradshaw has been an influence to write the creative way, but since I still don't have a column, a blog is the way to express.
- In the blog, I can write about everything I want and how I want without any restraint

And the last but most important reason: A special someone gave me the final push to it, the one who I have to thank the courage to start this path and really if you ever read this, thank you so much! You were right, there is nothing to fear or lose. 

This is my story, the summed up one so it doesn't become a book! And the journey for the Mexican Cherry continues, with plenty more to write and learn...

**Comming up: Mexican Cherry enters the social media way**

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