by - 4:07 PM

A few weeks ago, this silly Cherry decided to inaugurate a section called: PRODUCTIVITY SERIES 

If you've been expecting content about it, I must apologize deeply, not only to all of you, but to myself, since it kinda took a detour on the way it was planned. To be honest, I went on to some changes in my everyday life and forgot to actually create content about the productivity part of my days. Also, schedulling has failed tremendously! It seems that lazyness attacked me and I didn't even moved~

Somehow, this week a spark came up in my mind and everything has progressed super smooth and Mexican Cherry is ready to rise and shine! I already have plenty content comming up and most of it represents a challenge for myself in every way so, stay tuned! A lot...LOT is comming up next on the Mexican Cherry blog~ 

Up Next: Bullet Journal 


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