As the huge as exam approaches, my mental condition sharpens and there are things to be done in order to get the satisfaction of nailing that test and having a successful outcome. Sadly, some of us don't always wake up in the working mood or even in the wanting to do anything mood...
When I look back at my old habits, there was always this winning attitude towards work and studies, but as my emotional breakdown hit it's peak, all my empowering self started to fade. Yes, it helped me take a more objective perception of achievement and not having this deception everytime there was a "failure" situation, but it also got me quite relaxed in a bad way: Over procrastination, unpunctual everytime, no discipline whatsoever.
Then I stumbled on a picture saved in the old files of the imagery folder and it hit me, wow! I was really really going through a great path in organization and more important, discipline.
So, following the Productivity Series and the now initiated Worktober, here are 5 ways that the common and messy girl can easily follow for a boost of inspiration and productivity.
When I look back at my old habits, there was always this winning attitude towards work and studies, but as my emotional breakdown hit it's peak, all my empowering self started to fade. Yes, it helped me take a more objective perception of achievement and not having this deception everytime there was a "failure" situation, but it also got me quite relaxed in a bad way: Over procrastination, unpunctual everytime, no discipline whatsoever.
Then I stumbled on a picture saved in the old files of the imagery folder and it hit me, wow! I was really really going through a great path in organization and more important, discipline.
This time there is no excuse
We cannot wait any more time to be on the "right mood", "right time", because everything is happening except for ourselves, the world won't wait for anyone and it is now the only time to focus on.
So, following the Productivity Series and the now initiated Worktober, here are 5 ways that the common and messy girl can easily follow for a boost of inspiration and productivity.
To me, sometimes inspiration or the mood to work has to be there for me to actually enjoy getting up and do my chores so, these are the go to movies, series and lately vloggers that help me get in the mood.
Also, playing those on the background makes me focus and numbs the distracting thoughts and for these I play videos or series that I've watched before so there is no worry over missing parts or having to watch it for real. Just work or do any other activity along them.
From FRIENDS, Apartment 23 and my all time favorites to boost my energy Legally Blonde and Devil Wears Prada!
Those are pretty much my go to everytime there is a rush to get things done. By the way for both movies it's the 30 minute mark the one that has the makeover that gives the right motivation~
We have been bombed with techniques of how to use your time wisely and to be honest the only one that worked was the time block / pomodoro technique, but not really. So I adapted this timer to take 25 minute blocks of work and then 25 minutes of another activity that does not mean actual work.
25 minutes of analysis of surveys for my actual job
25 minutes of doing the dishes
25 minutes of reading and studying
25 minutes of abs workout
-.... this has helped me do a lot of things and in no time, besides working like this makes it easier to focus without ditractions and afterwards distract and refill your brain's energy.
I use any timer but lately for my computer work this website has made the difference, you set the time and an alarm pops when time's up.
If there's something to hate is pressure, and sometimes there is pressure from everyone having the perfect 5am morning routine or the solved adult life having a huge salary and office job at the age of 12, you get the idea right? It definitely sucks to feel everyone's getting "better" in life, when in reality who cares?
The only person, lifestyle and goals you should be following (implementing for real) and wasting your time on is your own, and no matter how much people talk you through their times and achievements, forget about it the moment your meeting ends. Focus on yourself, and do everything with your own pace, at your own time and this obviously applies to WORK.
By the way it is not an excuse for procrastination, in the end getting things done is an improvement for everyday but honey, stop suffering for not being able to follow some other person productivity pace, follow your heart and the way you do your stuff cause in the end you're the only one that knows how you work for real, nobody has the power to judge that.
This one is an important one, because as you go through the making of a lovely to do list you will also encounter a lot of tiny chores that make that list a million pages long, but take a look at it for real and try to find a hierarchy for all. My tip is to separate them in cathegories:
Today's list was pretty much this way:
Sometimes we need a background noise without visuals, and music is the perfect choice, except when you obviously love the songs and stop at every single one to sing or dance that exciting part (which happens to me a lot while getting ready actually) and that breaks down PRODUCTIVITY.
So the solution to this might seem awkward but here I'm giving you a tip that works for me:
- Play french music - I do speak some french but not enough to distract me and I barely know french songs, just have a few favorites from a spotify playlist, that is called French Women actually. Anyway the tip is play songs you don't know or in a language you barely understand (tricky, but chose the genre that you know less also because I don't know korean and still get distracted from k-pop).
Another way is to play sounds in the background and for that this is my favorite app/website: COFFITIVITY!!! You can chose sounds and they make you feel as if you were working on other places, without having to leave your desk or house at all. It is weird but believe me, they transport your mind to another place, ready to work!
Here there are, my 5 favorite ways to boost that inspiration and get me ready to WORK!
This Worktober Mexican Cherry is on track! Willing to change and make it to the top, of course sharing the experience as it goes